• I offer a 9-minute grace period for all appointments; on the 10th minute, the appointment will be considered a no-show and be charged the full-service amount. If you are running behind, please text 805-342-4356

  • If it is your first time getting waxed or it has been a while since your last appointment, I do recommend wearing loose clothing. The first wax is always the most painful and uncomfortable, even by the second appointment the pain level will decrease by 50%. This is due to the hair follicles being pulled at the root, the more consistent you are with your appointments, the thinner and thinner the hair follices become, resulting in easier appointments.

  • A wax-touch up is a complimentary service within 7 days of recieving any waxing service. For clients who just received their first wax or has fast regrowth, this service is great for you! After an initial wax, often times not all hairs are pulled at the initial wax appointment as the hair types can be at different hair growth stages, therefore, a week after your initial appointment, you may see new baby hair growth. Therefore, you can book online under wax-touch up to remove brand new growth and experience complete freshness.

  • Waxing will increase the likelihood of ingrowns, as waxing removes dead-skin build up, it is imperative to continue exfoliating 3-4 times a week to remove new dead-skin build up. Ingrowns are caused when new hair growth gets trapped under dead skin.

    We do offer a variety of aftercare products available for pick-up.

  • For all face and body treatments I use hard wax, very similar application technique to sugaring and major waxing salons.

    On the lower half of the legs, I do use soft wax, which is a thin application of wax and I use a piece of muslin to remove the wax.

  • Our service packages are excellent options for clients who receive the same services every month, and this is a fantastic opportunity to save money on your favorite service. The best part of these packages is they never expire, there is interest-free financing available, and you can share with family and friends.

  • Clients that have a Groupon they would like to redeem, all appointments require a card on file and a 50% deposit for pre-caution of no-show or same-day cancellations. After your appointment, simply present your Groupon to be redeemed and the paid deposit will be immediately refunded.